
Columbine Label is committed to lean manufacturing processes to help reduce our carbon footprint

Columbine Label Company is committed to managing health, safety and environmental (HS&E) matters as an integral part of our core business. It is our policy to assure the full HS&E integrity of our processes and facilities by identifying risks pertaining to activities, products, and services associated with daily operations. Environmental awareness has become a part of our culture. We continuously strive for lean manufacturing processes that help reduce our carbon footprint. By implementing Digital Advantage label converting processes, our leading-edge technology provides efficiency in converting, helping us eliminate nearly 90% of time and materials on setup and waste. Because the process is digital, it is a direct to print system that does not use printing plates of any kind. It is the best process for economically printing on textured papers and material with recycled content and the HP ElectroInk uses a thinner ink layer to reach the same color saturation as dry toner printing, all contributing to our environmentally-sound goals. If you want to learn a little bit more about this technology, there is a March 2020 article from that’s got more.

Columbine Label has been recognized for innovative technology in its recycle and reuse process of imaging oil waste generated by digital printing.

  • Materials certified by the Forestry Stewardship Council (FSC)
  • Materials made from recycled content
  • Adhesives that are removable when submersed in water at 100°F or higher
  • No hazard air pollutants (HAP)
  • Flexographic label converting is set-up to run water-based inks with paper liners to reduce the amount of volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) released into the air, and reduces the amount of ink mixed in with the waste stream. Digital printing plates are created (without film negatives), helping to reduce energy and waste. And we are continually working to reduce time and materials spent on setup, as well as waste.

We are working through TLMI (Tag and Label Manufacturers Institute), which assists members in finding cost effective ways to reduce their company’s environmental footprint and document their commitment to sustainability.

Contact Us for more information on sustainable options for your custom product label print job.